Farnam Excalibur® Sheath and Udder Cleaner for Horses

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Directions for Use


For the sake of cleanliness, disposable gloves should be used by the individual performing this cleaning task. Also for the horse's comfort, excessively cold water should be avoided.

Squeeze out a liberal amount of Excalibur® into palm of hand and place up into the horse's sheath. Work the Product well into the folds of the sheath. Allow 3-5 minutes for Excalibur to soften and loosen smegma. Next, gently pull the horse's penis out of the sheath and, using pieces of cotton batting, gently remove the loose smegma. Occasionally, smegma will accumulate in a mass in the "blind pouch" above the opening of the urethra in the end of the horse's penis. This resulting "bean" may become large enough to interfere with urination if not removed. After all presence of smegma has been removed, rinse the horse's sheath and penis as thoroughly as possible with clean water. If a horse will accept it, a gently flowing water hose may be used to flush out the sheath.